The Minnesota Certification Board offers a process to preapprove education events to provide participants assurance that the event will be accepted for continuing education for their credential. The following approval types are offered.
Single Event approval is intended for events where all activities occur on the same day with no breakout sessions.
Cost: $10 for one credential category, $10 for approval of the same event for each additional credential category.
Series Event approval is intended for an event series where all activities occur within the same calendar year. Each Series Event approval automatically expires on December 31 of each calendar year.
Examples include a monthly lunch and learn, a lecture broken into a five-part series on different days, etc. Each event in the series must include a common title prefix (e.g., Minnesota Certification Board Monthly Ethics Lunch and Learn) followed by a more specific subtitle (e.g., the name of the topic being covered, Part 2, etc.).
Cost: $50 for one credential category, $10 for approval of the same series for each additional credential category.
Conference/Multiday Event Approval is intended for events that have more than one track (breakout sessions), multiple presenter options, and/or are a multiday event.
Examples include a single day workshop with multiple breakout sessions to choose from, an annual conference with tracks or breakout sessions to select, etc.
Cost: $75 for one credential category, $10 for approval of the same event for each additional credential category.