Effective March 1, 2022
We are very excited to announce that the MCB has partnered with Prometric to offer a Remote Proctored exam solution for all IC&RC exams. After you receive your pre-registration email, and you log in to schedule your exam you will be offered the choice to test at a physical test center or via remote proctor. If you wish to test via remote proctor, please ensure you review the system and room requirements at the link provided below.
If you have already scheduled your exam at a testing site and your testing date is greater than five (5) business days in the future you can reschedule your exam and chose the Remote Proctored exam option by following the instructions noted below:
- Visit www.iqttesting.com.
- Select “Exam Registration.”
- Log in using the username and password provided to you in your pre-registration email. If you forgot your password, click the “forgot password” link and it will be emailed to you.
- Select |ContractName| from the organization dropdown menu and click the “Next” icon.
- To reschedule an exam, click “edit.” This will cancel your current exam date and prompt you to immediately select a new date.
- To cancel an exam, click “cancel.” Once your exam is cancelled, you can log on to www.iqttesting.com at a later date to select a new examination date. Please note your designated testing window to take the exam will remain the same.
- An email confirmation will be automatically sent to you when you cancel or reschedule your examination.